Here are a few things you need to know about me to put this into perspective:
- I don't have an iphone, or an ipad, or an i-anything.
- I do have a cell phone, but I use my cell phone primarily for talking to people (talking, what's that?)
- I had caller ID and call waiting removed from our home phone line. That's right, people, if you call and I'm already talking to someone, you will get a busy signal while I finish talking to the first caller without interruption. Do you even remember what the busy signal sounds like? Sometimes people think our phone is broken when that happens. Also, without caller ID, we do not know who you are when you call so you may need to introduce yourself after I answer the phone. In case it's been a long time since you've done that, it's easy, you just say "Hi Dana, this is INSERT YOUR NAME."
- I am not on Facebook.
- I have a book in my purse or in my car at all times when I leave the house, in case I end up with some waiting time/reading time.
- I go to the public library every single week to borrow books and I am usually buying something at my local independent book store once a week. I read about 4-5 books per month.
As I write this my (unwanted but possibly useful) birthday gift sits on the kitchen counter, cold and sleek and with a fully charged battery, waiting for me to get started. I predict that my curiosity will eventually get the better of me and I'll actually start using it. Gerard predicts that I will end up loving it. We'll see.